A story about P.I. Tchaikovsky for children.

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is a Russian composer, a man who revealed the world of eternal values laid down by life itself.

The composer was able to convey the most subtle human feelings. He responded with his creativity to the anxieties and problems of ordinary people.

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is a musician with a capital letter.

What a great word "music"!

As long as a person's hearing is ready to perceive sounds, as long as people have the ability to empathize, respond, love, Tchaikovsky's music will be clear and close to them.

Tchaikovsky fought for the happiness of people, their needs and concerns were always close to the soul of the composer. It was a poetic nature, charming, captivating everyone with whom he met.

Composer P.I. Tchaikovsky has always had a desire to communicate through music with as many people as possible.His melodies, whatever form he chooses for them - symphonies, operas, ballets, romances, nocturnes - everywhere found and find a response in the hearts of people.In addition to a long career as a composer, which lasted no small twenty-eight years and formed the basis of Tchaikovsky's fame, three other areas of his activity should be mentioned, of which one is also of great importance and the right to attention - this is pedagogical.

Although Tchaikovsky did not particularly like to give lessons, it required a lot of effort and distracted him from composing, nevertheless, he was very conscientious about his obligations.

He even gave lessons free of charge to those of his students who, either because of poverty, were not able to pay him for classes, or who showed outstanding abilities.A special page in the creative activity of Tchaikovsky is the conductor's.

He started it rather late, only in 1887.

Then he had great success at a concert given under his direction by the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Society.

;Success in the conductor's field was perceived by Tchaikovsky as a great personal victory, but not only.

It was thanks to the fact that the composer overcame his timidity, stood at the conductor's stand, that he visited Dresden, Copenhagen, Paris, London, Prague, and everywhere had tremendous success, being a propagandist of Russian music.

In addition to his own works, he played the works of other Russian authors, and one cannot but see his great merit in this.At one time he tried to write critical articles.

However, having convinced himself of the inconvenience of combining two dissimilar areas - creativity and criticism - he soon stopped working in this area.By his own admission, Tchaikovsky always tried to choose for his works such plots in which real people act, "feeling the same way as I do.

Tchaikovsky denied any "head" creativity, stating that the most valuable qualities for any author are truthfulness and sincerity.

Only experienced and felt within himself and conveyed in the sounds of Tchaikovsky.Tchaikovsky was the author of several operas, including Eugene Onegin, The Queen of Spades, The Enchantress.

The music for the play "The Snow Maiden" also belongs to the number of musical stage works.

He wrote three ballets, eight symphonies, as well as suites, overtures, concertos, romances, songs, works for piano and others.Tchaikovsky left early, far from saying everything he could say.

Although he often said that it was time to "stop writing", nevertheless, he worked until his last days.

Shortly before his departure, new romances and piano pieces appeared.

And he could have enriched our musical literature with inspired works.

However, what he did in all branches of composition has already won him an honorable and enviable position in the history of music in general, in Russian music in particular.
