The Life And Music Of Frederic Chopin.

Frederic Francois Chopin (1810–1849) is a 19th-century Polish composer, virtuoso pianist, teacher, the brightest representative of romanticism in music, founder of the Polish national school of composition. His main musical heritage is works for the piano..

Chopin was born on February 22, 1810 in the village of Zhelyazova Wola near Warsaw (Poland).

 A wonderful taste in music was instilled in the future composer by his mother, who played the piano well and sang. Unusual musical abilities, as well as the most important - the love of playing the piano, manifested themselves in Frederick in early childhood.

From the age of seven, the famous pianist Wojciech Zhyvny began to study with the boy. 

By the age of twelve, Frederik had reached the level of the best pianists in Poland. From 1823 Chopin studied at the Warsaw Lyceum.

Creative activity.

After graduating from college, Chopin began studying music theory in the class of the composer Józef Elsner. Thanks to the patronage of the princes Chetvertinsky and Anton Radziwill, Frederick managed to get into high society.

Since 1829, Frederic Chopin, whose biography already at that time testified that he would become a great musician, began to actively perform his works in Vienna. In 1830 the composer left Warsaw forever. In 1831 he settled in Paris, where he instantly became famous, gaining many admirers.
After some time, the musician himself begins to teach.

Chopin's social circle included many young musicians and major European composers - F. Giller, Tulon, Stamati, Francomm, Bellini, Berlioz, Schumann, Mendelssohn, artist E. Delacroix, writers V. Hugo , G. Heine and others.

The composer Chopin suffered his first attack of lung disease in 1837 (according to the musician's biographers, it was tuberculosis).

Since then, he has suffered from asthmatic attacks. At this time, Chopin lived with the writer George Sand. From 1838 to 1839, the lovers stayed on the island of Mallorca. Their relationship was not easy, which also adversely affected the composer's health. In 1847 they separated.

In 1848 Chopin settled in London, where he continued to give concerts and teach. On November 16, 1848, the last concert of the great composer took place in London. Every day he felt worse and worse and soon returned to Paris.

The great composer died on October 5 (17), 1849 and was buried in the Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris.

From childhood, Chopin, in order to tune in the right way, played the piano in complete darkness. This habit remained with him throughout his life.

Already in 1818, in one of the Warsaw newspapers, there was an article about Chopin as a brilliant child who performed the most complex compositions and created dances and variations himself.

According to the last will of Chopin, his heart was transported to Warsaw and walled up in one of the columns in the Church of the Holy Cross.

Chopin's work had a huge impact on the development of the harmonic style and form of European music. 

The achievements of the great composer were used to create their works by Liszt, Wagner , Glinka , Scriabin, Tchaikovsky and others.