Draw music

In the piano lessons, students can, if they wish, try to paint a "portrait" of the music they are playing.

After the student has mastered the musical text well enough and overcome many of its technical difficulties, he needs to learn the artistic performance of music.

I think that the music embodied in the drawings is much better comprehended. The drawing "makes" think more seriously about the musical image created by the composer, helps to understand and feel it more deeply, and also develops the imagination and creative abilities of children.

There are several ways to bring music to paper:

1. Children can express the mood of the music by combining different colors.

Music is, first of all, some kind of mood and its shades.

But after all, different colors are also associated with a certain mood.

For example, yellow with joy, gray with sadness, green with calmness, and red with energy.

However, each of us has his own perception of color and a child can create an “abstract” portrait of music, relying only on his feelings and ideas.

By the way, it's not a secret for anyone that there is a whole direction in painting, when artists express their thoughts and emotions only with the help of color combinations.

Children make such abstract "pictures" absolutely great.

In addition to just “color portraits”, you can also try to draw a melody with some shapes, lines, patterns.

2. Children can draw a more specific musical image, indicated by the author of the music in its title.

If there is no name, then you can (and should!) Come up with your own musical image and try to portray it with the help of paints as interesting as possible. And here there is no limit for imagination. Everyone is free to invent their own musical heroes, their own stories, to create their own "portrait" of music.

Children always get wonderful drawings when they draw music: bright, joyful, "lively", very interesting in color combinations.

Children get great pleasure from their creative activity, the result of which always pleases everyone: young musicians-artists and us, parents and teachers.