Piano technique

Technical exercises are an important and required part of the piano lesson. The work on the pianistic technique begins with the first lessons and is carried out regularly and systematically.

Learning technical exercises can be entertaining, arousing students' interest and desire to overcome difficulties, to achieve a victory, albeit small.

In the classroom, the task is to turn "boring exercises" into "fun gymnastics for fingers and hands."

For entry-level children, such classes are held in a playful way.

For children of intermediate and late intermediate  levels , techniques and types of exercises are complicated, while a creative approach to learning them is encouraged.

It should be noted that the basic skills of a student's technical development  are formed precisely at the initial stage of training.
The foundation of this development is  contacting  with the keyboard , that is, the ability to use the weight of the free hand and the special  touch of the fingers to the keys.
An important initial stage in this is the correct posture and sitting at the  instrument, the correct position and freedom of arms, legs. 

In this piano class, the teacher forms all these important skills in students, using also game physical exercises to release the locomotor system (swinging the arms, turning the hands, elbows, raising and lowering the shoulders, etc.) Such "gymnastics" is also a good rest among lesson, especially for small children.

Here are some important points to consider when working on piano technique in  the class:

1. In the classroom, the teacher uses the textbooks "Technique" by Bastien Piano Methods.

In these books, each exercise has its own name, which helps make these activities not only useful, but also very interesting.

Performing a certain technical exercise, the student tries to musically depict the musical image indicated by the author as accurately and brilliantly as possible, to convey the mood and character of the music.

This brings invaluable help in understanding that technique is just a "tool" for performing artistic tasks, in other words - the art of embodying an idea composer.

If students from the very first lessons begin to think about musical image, mood, character of music, then they will learn, first of all, to understand and love music, and in the future, if they want to and will work hard, they can become great performers.

2. Technique classes also include required work on scales, chords. arpeggios, etudes, technical exercises of popular authors such as Hanon, Schmitz, Czerny. Long, etc.

3. Lessons in piano technique are carried out in the classroom and at home.

At each lesson, students are given homework on technique.

4. Working on technical exercises helps the student to strengthen his hands, to do them obedient, flexible, develop finger fluency.

Improving the level of technical skills allows students to perform more complex and interesting musical works, not only in technical terms, but above all in the depth of content and the beauty of the sound of the music.